U.S. Trademark Search Tool

by Marcaria.com



United States trademark search tool. Search by TM, owner, number & class.

With this App you will be able to search for all trademarks that have been filed or registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This App is perfect for entrepreneurs, marketers, lawyers, and anyone else who often finds themselves in the need to check previous trademark records. The App is completely free and allows to search by trademark name, trademark number and trademark owner’s name. The trademark name search support identical and similarity modes and also, if needed, you can filter results by class number. The App also has a trademark class search engine, so you can search for the class that your product or service belongs to. U.S. Trademark Search App Overview:- Search by Trademark Name- Search by Trademark Owner- Search by Trademark Number- Trademark Class Search Engine (Nice Classification)- Trademark FAQsThis App is of a purely informative nature with no commercial ends; it is intended to provide information about the risks that you may face using or applying for your trademark registration in United States.Trademark search button fixed.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

It always leads right back to the same search engine. I get the same result and I'm looking for other advice from professionals.

Eleanor Beggs

Fake I tried it

Injego Montoya

Great app

John Miller

Awesome app

Prem Katuri

Missing results that you get doing a tess search.

A Google user

Very good for startups.

A Google user

Fantastic app. Simple design. Easy searches. Wouldn't use it as the sole authority (always check USPTO site and TEES to confirm) but indispensable for quick, on-the-go searching.

John Cook

One of the better apps I've found for searching trademarks. I wish there was a way to omit dead TMs from searches, however.

Anthony Google

The search just comes as 0 found all the time even after I searched well known companies.


Useful app, was able to find trademark information I needed. And in addition to that, app allows you to send TM registration request very quickly.

Никита Ефимов